Infrabaker International announces expansion of its U.S. division, Infrabaker USA.

Infrabaker International announces expansion of its U.S. division, Infrabaker USA.

March 28, 2022- Infrabaker USA has announced the installation of an Infrabaker R&D unit in the new state-of-art testing facility at the Food Discovery Center in St. Louis.

The company is proud to share this partnership in support of innovation and education in the food industry.

Prospective customers in North America will now have the opportunity to conduct on-site product testing, and experience first-hand the Infrabaker’s unique fully-electrical infrared oven.

The objective is to open new perspectives into possible solutions to challenges food processors face. Potential improvements include increased efficiency and yield, optimized flavor, increased nutritional value and production line construction. Sugar Creek (USA), HJF (South-Korea), Rügenwalder Mühle (Germany) and Cooperl Arc Atlantique (France) are just a few of the leading companies worldwide who have discovered the Infrabaker difference.

Infrabaker…cooking@the speed of light!

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For more information contact Infrabaker International:

Infrabaker Europe Infrabaker USA
Lieven Gevaertlaan 8 Food Discovery Center
3900 Pelt 3701 Foundry Way
Belgium St. Louis, MO 63110
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